Organizational Culture

How to use surveys to get project buy-in


  Getting everyone to accept a project can be a challenge. Surveys can help build interest and get ideas.   Stakeholders are often concerned about change and how it will affect them. Getting feedback helps companies and stakeholders in the following ways: View Moira Alexander’s article as it’s published on [...]

How to use surveys to get project buy-in2020-01-24T16:01:18+00:00

5 ways a negative corporate culture can kill your IT project


  Don't let low morale, excessive gossip, employee absenteeism, and other aspects of a negative corporate culture set your projects up for failure.   Despite a project manager's efforts to keep projects within scope and tend to all other project management aspects, there are times where corporate culture can play [...]

5 ways a negative corporate culture can kill your IT project2020-01-13T20:33:50+00:00

9 ways company politics can thwart your projects


  Politics is an unfortunate reality in many workplaces, but there are steps you can take to reduce the pervasiveness and impact to projects.   Workplace politics are ultimately types of behaviors or actions injected into business situations that can complicate, impede, or derail progress altogether. Politics and its impact [...]

9 ways company politics can thwart your projects2020-01-21T08:21:16+00:00

Are ethical concerns and workplace abuse valid reasons for a PM to quit a project?


A high degree of commitment, ethics, dedication, and hard work are hallmarks of project management professionals, and yet sometimes PMs quit projects. Find out possible reasons why. Marked irreconcilable conflict can result from various things including workplace abuse, unethical behavior, legal issues, safety concerns, or extremely damaging workplace behavior. The [...]

Are ethical concerns and workplace abuse valid reasons for a PM to quit a project?2020-01-13T21:21:23+00:00

9 stress reduction tips for project managers and teams


  Project management is a high-stress job where burnout is a potential hazard. Use some of these tips to help your team and yourself better handle the stressors you are likely to encounter.   Many project managers fall victim to the eating-sleeping-and-breathing project cycles. The problem with this is it [...]

9 stress reduction tips for project managers and teams2020-01-13T21:57:26+00:00

4 tips for gaining trust from project stakeholders


It's normal for new stakeholders to question a project manager's abilities. Here are four strategies to help build their confidence and improve relationships. If you are a project manager that has had a few failed projects, this history may follow you and may cause you constant discomfort. Stakeholders may have [...]

4 tips for gaining trust from project stakeholders2020-01-13T21:59:32+00:00

5 tips for building better relationships with stakeholders and team members


  Due to the nature of their job, project managers sometimes get a reputation for being difficult to work with. Here are five tips to get work done without alienating people.   Project managers' schedules are typically packed with meetings, constant documentation and updates, issue resolution, and many other tasks, [...]

5 tips for building better relationships with stakeholders and team members2020-01-13T21:59:55+00:00

Steps You Can Take to Create a Winning Culture


 PHOTO: RAWPIXEL A winning culture is still too often seen as a ‘nice-to-have’ corporate asset, yet in its 2016 Global Human Capital Trends report, 86 percent of survey participants told Deloitte culture was an important or very important issue. The report also found: “After three years of struggling to drive employee engagement and [...]

Steps You Can Take to Create a Winning Culture2020-01-13T22:15:22+00:00

Newco Shift | Is Your Company Culture Destroying Creativity?


Over the course of my career, I’ve been fortunate to have worked with organizations both large and small. No matter what the size the business, I’ve seen that way that culture can enable creativity — or stifle and eventually destroy it altogether. Destroying Creativity Many of the traditional organizations I’ve worked with [...]

Newco Shift | Is Your Company Culture Destroying Creativity?2020-01-14T01:38:19+00:00
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